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What are solar battery incentives in Utah?

The many ways Utah homeowners can save on energy storage

If you’re a Utah resident and considering a solar battery system for your home, there are lots of incentives to make your investment even wiser. From tax credits to state-level incentives, federal programs, and utility initiatives, these incentives provide significant opportunities for Utah homeowners to save money while transitioning to clean and sustainable energy solutions. We’re exploring the key solar battery incentives currently available in Utah below.

1. Federal Incentives:

One of the notable incentives available to Utah residents is the Federal Investment Tax Credit. This federal incentive allows homeowners to claim a percentage of the solar battery system installation cost as a tax credit. The incentive is currently set at 30% of the total installation cost and applies to both residential and commercial properties. By taking advantage of this credit, homeowners can significantly reduce their upfront costs and accelerate the payback period of their solar battery investment.

2. State-Level Battery Incentives:

Utah has introduced specific state-level incentives to encourage the adoption of solar battery systems. One such incentive is the Residential Energy Efficient Property Tax Credit, which allows homeowners to claim a tax credit worth 25% of the cost of a solar battery installation, up to a maximum of $400. This credit can further offset the initial expenses associated with installing a solar battery system, increasing the affordability and accessibility of the investment for Utah residents.

3. Utility Programs and Solar-Adjustment Incentives:

Utah's utility companies have recognized the value and potential of solar battery systems and have implemented programs to support their integration. For example, Rocky Mountain Power offers the Wattsmart Battery Program, which provides incentives for residential customers who install eligible battery systems. The program offers a one-time incentive payment based on the kilowatt-hour capacity of the installed battery system, allowing homeowners to further offset the cost of their solar battery investment.

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