Getting Started

A Complete Buyer’s Guide to Solar & Battery Systems

What's included

Let’s start with the basics. If you’re looking to save money and reduce your carbon footprint, investing in solar panels and battery storage makes a lot of sense. 

  • When will I see payback for my system?
  • How do I find the right battery for my home?
  • Is my home a good fit for renewable energy?
  • What should I know before buying? Are there any incentives?
  • How long does it take to install?
  • How much does a solar & battery system cost?

What is Torus?

The Torus Station includes everything you need to generate and store clean electricity and manage your energy use. Torus works with your existing renewables, including solar, wind, and hydro to power your home and EVs safely, efficiently, and reliably. Our system allows you to easily reduce your reliance on the grid, minimize your environmental footprint, and drastically reduce your monthly electricity bills. And with the Torus App, you can see where your power is stored and spent with the click of a button.

Fill out the form below to download our free Buyer's Guide.

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